Patent Search made by Brazilian INPI and Fiocruz analyzes patent applications for cancer in the world

Patent Search made by Brazilian INPI and Fiocruz analyzes patent applications for cancer in the world

North American and European companies are the main assignees of patent applications for cancer treatment in the world; while Asian companies have a bigger presence in applications related to technologies for diagnosis and prevention of disease. The conclusion is from the study of the INPI – National Institute of Industrial Property made in partnership with Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, known as Fiocruz) to draft the landscape of technologies related to breast, lung, prostate and uterus cancer; and the main Assignees of the respective patents. The survey was based on the IPC International Patent Classification of 2,916 patent documents, from 2001 until 2011, obtained in an international patent database (Dewent).

From the analyzed documents, only 91 were filed in Brazil, the majority of patent applications made by foreign institutions for the four types of cancer. Few are from Brazilian institutions: one is the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) for breast cancer; another is the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) for lung cancer, and a third one of the Federal University of Uberlândia in partnership with the Research Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais State (FAPEMIG) for prostate cancer.

According to the analysis of the Technological Centre (OBTEC) – area of the INPI who led the patent research – the few patent applications filed by residents in Brazil are not an indicator of lack of R&D activity on cancer in the country. To understand the full extent of R&D in the area, it would be necessary to evaluate the Brazilian scientific articles, which is outside the scope of the research, presented in November of 2013 on Patent Statistics for Decision Makers (PSDM) conference held in Rio de Janeiro.

The activities of the INPI´s Technology Centre aimed at knowledge generating through survey and systematic analysis of the information contained in the industrial property documents in order to provide subsidy for the elaboration of public policies. This knowledge is generated from studies of technology monitoring, developed in partnership with various actors of the national innovation system.

The patent research made by the Health Technological Centre started from the initial selection of 80,000 patent documents on cancer in the world, focused in the years 2001-2011. Subsequently, 2,916 documents were classified specific of the four types of selected cancers (breast, lung, prostate and uterus).

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An important fact identified by the survey is that 66% of the analyzed documents refer to unprotected technologies in Brazil, while 2% are rejected applications, withdrawn in definitive or abandoned. So there is room for Brazil to invest in technological development.

Of the more than 2,000 documents considered in the analysis, only 91 were filed in Brazil. And most of them are not resident in the country, since 95 % of applications came through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).

To see the presentation in Power Point “click here” apresentacao_oficina_final

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