Amazon plant that can act against tumor is being studied by Brazilian scientists

Amazon plant that can act against tumor is being studied by Brazilian scientists

Popularly known as Cat’s Claw, the Amazonian plant Uncaria guianensis has been used as a medicine for its anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory action. With Anvisa’s approval for its use as a tablet, capsule or gel, the plant is now the raw material of a new study, conducted by researchers from Ribeirão Preto and São Carlos, to develop modified plant forms in order to obtain a new chemical structure with even more potent therapeutic action, utilizing the plant’s own metabolism to make such modifications.

Cat’s claw has its proven ability to fight tumors and inflammation, and new research aims to enhance the plant’s production of alkaloids through a protocol called “precursor-driven biosynthesis.” Through it, young plants up to 15 centimeters high are grown in the laboratory, in containers prepared with water and nutrients. This is a “green chemistry” approach, free of solvents, reagents, in vitro plant development system.
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Thus, it is the plant itself that makes the synthesis that enhances the alkaloids. Alkaloids are fundamental in the development of medicines such as morphine, extracted from the poppy flower. The new research has been conducted with support from FAPESP and was published in the Scientific Reports magazine by researchers linked to the University of Ribeirão Preto and the Federal University of São Carlos.

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