WIPO releases 2016 global statistics on IP filings

WIPO releases 2016 global statistics on IP filings

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has published the statistics on international patent, trade mark and design applications in 2016. The numbers show that last year was a record year for international patent applications and reveals a strong demand for trade marks and designs.

In patents, 233,000 applications were filed in 2016 through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) system. Germany is the only European country in the top-five patent applicants by taking the fourth place behind the USA, Japan and China. The second-best European country, France, holds the seventh position in the ranking.

In trade marks, 52,550 applications were filed under the Madrid System, meaning a 7.2% increase in comparison to 2015. The top applicants in this area are the USA, Germany, France, China and Switzerland. The European Union was the second most designated member after China.

In designs filed through the Hague System, the total number of applications were 18,716, this time dominated by the European countries Germany and Switzerland, then the Republic of Korea, the USA and the Netherlands. The European Union was the most designated member in the Hague System applications last year.

For more information regarding the WIPO statistics, please read the WIPO dedicated pages here together with the infographics.

Please check our fact sheet “Intellectual property relevance in internationalisation” for more information.

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