UK IPO and Brazilian INPI join forces with PPH agreement

UK IPO and Brazilian INPI join forces with PPH agreement

The UK Intellectual Property Office has signed a patent prosecution highway (PPH) agreement with the Brazilian National Institution of IP.

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The two IP offices signed the PPH agreement at the 10th UK-Brazil Joint Economic and Trade Committee (JETCO) in London.

The two nations meet, using JETCO as a forum to pursue UK trade policy and commercial interests in the South American nation.

Andy Bartlett, IPO Divisional Director, and Mauro Maia, Executive Director of INPI signed the agreement, with Secretary of State for the Department of Trade, Liam Fox and his counterpart, acting Minister of Industry, Trade and Foreign Service, Marcos Jorge de Lima as witnesses.

Bartlett commented: “This agreement has obvious practical value to innovators seeking international patent protection.”

“It is also symbolic of a more open and strategic approach by the Brazilian government on IP.”

PPH agreements allow patents offices to request fast-track examination in the partner country after a patent application has granted in the home country.

Brazil has entered into a range of PPH agreements with various IP offices in recent months, including in Japan, Europe and the US.

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