This report introduces some of the key issues relating to the cost of counterfeiting and prime areas of concern. It discusses the means of protection against counterfeiting and presents policy initiatives, and includes contact details of organisations that can assist in the fight against counterfeiting..
This report has been prepared by Ms Hema Vithlani of the ICC Counterfeiting Intelligence
Bureau, for the Industry Division of the OECD’s Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry.
It was initially presented to the Industry Committee on 12-13 March 1997 and subsequently revised.
It is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD.
It provides a comprehensive overview of the menace that counterfeiting imposes to industry
world-wide. The problem is not limited to a few products and certain countries but, as the report
shows, it is a global problem affecting a wide range of industries. Moreover, it may have a
devastating impact on society as a whole.
The report discusses the means of protection against counterfeiting and presents policy
initiatives. It lists contact details of organisations that can assist in the fight against counterfeiting.
See the Full Report here: 2090589