INPI´s Project encourages Collective Marks and Geographical Indications in the Amazon Basin

INPI´s Project encourages Collective Marks and Geographical Indications in the Amazon Basin

The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (INPI) is working in a project for the identification, protection and valuation of Distinctive Signs for Collective Use in the Amazon Basin. The project comes with the need to disseminate the use of these signs as a form of protection and promotion of intellectual property assets through registration of collective marks and geographical indications. The goal is to add value and stimulate trade of goods and services in the Amazon region.

Senator Vanessa Grazziotin (PCdoB / AM) was at the INPI this month to discuss the project with experts from the Institute. The INPI has even structured a process specially developed to provide agility to the treatment of collective distinctive signs.

Jorge Avila, INPI´s president, said that there are a large number of collective use assets that can benefit from registration of geographical indications and collective marks in the Amazon region and adjacent countries in this region in South America

The project will divide the region into seven major axes for the execution of actions. Each axis will be diagnosed with respect to potential products and traditional community services, i.e., small farmers, indigenous and quilombola likely to be protected – explains.

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The INPI will make workshops in the regions to present the project and invite national and local entities to participate in the theme.

Meetings will be made within seven axes to identify ten potential products or services to be worked in each region. The regions are: Tabatinga, Rio Tefé, Rio Negro, Rio Solimões, Rio Madeira, Rio Tapajós, Rio Xingu and Ilha de Marajó/Belém.