Prior consent by National Agency for Sanitary Surveillance (ANVISA) in patent applications is no longer necessary in Brazil

Prior consent by National Agency for Sanitary Surveillance (ANVISA) in patent applications is no longer necessary in Brazil

Law 14195, published on August 27, 2021, established the end of the prior consent of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) for patent applications for pharmaceutical products and processes. Art. 57, item XXVI, of the new Law revoked art. 229-C of Law 9,279/1996.

Thus, the INPI communicates that:
– The flow of patent applications between the INPI and ANVISA has been extinct since August 27, 2021;
– Requests that are returned by ANVISA will have the normal procedure at the INPI after the publication of order 7.7, with specific text regarding the revocation of art. 299-C;
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1,284 patent applications that were awaiting examination at ANVISA returned to INPI on August 30th. These applications will follow the normal procedure after the publication. Anyway, for cases not included in the Patent Backlog Reduction Plan, there is still the possibility of accelerating the examination through some of the acceleration programs currently available in BPTO, for example, Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH), please check our site for more information

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