Pilot project “BR Priority” reaches the limit of 100 patent applications

Pilot project “BR Priority” reaches the limit of 100 patent applications

About a month after the release by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), the 100 openings available have been exhausted in the pilot project “BR Priority”, formalized by Resolution No. 153/2015, which entered into force on 19th January 2016. The goal now is to examine in nine months these patent applications. The project will undergo internal evaluation and is expected to reopen even in this year.

For the director of the INPI patent division, Julio Cesar Moreira, the success of the pilot project – which was valid for one year or until it was granted the priority examination for 100 patent applications – probably due to restrained demand.

The patent applications able to participate are those initially filed in the INPI and claimed as a priority for filing in other patent Offices. The goal of “BR priority” is to encourage the introduction of innovative products of Brazil on the world market with technology protected by industrial property rights.

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After the grant of the patent via the “BR Priority”, the Brazilian applicant may request prioritization also in the United States through another project, the “Patent Prosecution Highway” (PPH), started on the 11th of last January. So he may have the patent in both countries with agility.

The patent application abroad has great importance because the protection is territorial, i.e. in countries where it has not been filed the patent is available for use freely and can be copied without authorization from the owner.

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