PCT Filings in 2013 – A new record number was reached in 2013 – approximately 205,300 PCT applications were filed

PCT Filings in 2013 – A new record number was reached in 2013 – approximately 205,300 PCT applications were filed

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A new record number of PCT filings was reached in 2013, as the total number of filings surpassed the 200,000 mark for the first time. Approximately 205,300 PCT applications were filed, representing an increase of 5.1% over 2012.

Among the top 10 PCT filing countries, double-digit growth was seen in 2013 for filings from China (+15%), the United States of America (US) (+10.8%) and Sweden (+10.4%). As in 2012, the top two countries of filing accounted for nearly half of all filings, with 57,239 international applications filed from US (representing 27.9% of all filings)and 43,918 (21.4%) from Japan.

They were followed by China, taking third position for the first time, with 21,516 (10.5%), Germany with 17,927 (8.7%) and the Republic of Korea with 12,386 (6.0%), which, together with US and Japan, accounted for 74.5% of filings.

Applicants from the member States of the European Patent Convention, when grouped together, filed 28% of all international applications,a slightly lower share than in 2012 (29%).

The image below shows the top 10 countries of origin. Further information on share of filings and percentage growth rates, has been published in Annex 1 of WIPO Press Release PR/2014/755. The press release, which contains this and other Annexes referred to below, is available at:


Other PCT filing trends (including Brazil)

Among the top 10 PCT filing countries, China (+15.6%), the US (+10.8%) and Sweden (+10.4%) saw double-digit growth in 2013. The US saw its fastest growth rate since 2001. China’s growth rate is similar to the one it registered in 2012. Germany (-4.5%) and the UK (-0.6%) are the only two countries among the top ten with fewer PCT applications in 2013 than in 2012. Following strong growth in 2011 and 2012, Japan saw only modest growth of 0.6% in 2013.

After China, India (1,392) is the largest user of the PCT system among low- and middle-income countries, followed by Turkey (835), Brazil (661), South Africa (350), Malaysia (310) and Mexico (233). Among those countries, Turkey (+56.1%) saw the fastest growth in filings, followed by Mexico (+22%) and Brazil (+12.2%). Annex 2 reports data for all countries.

Source: PCT Newsletter