Patent applications

Patent applications

China’s patent office received more applications than any other country’s in 2011, according to the World Intellectual Property Organisation, a UN body which follows 125 patent offices. China received 526,412 applications, exceeding those to America and Japan. Globally filings rose by 7.8% last year, breaking the 2m mark. The price would give you a huge discount from that online viagra canada of women. Always speak to your doctor before taking viagra cheap uk any treatment. These natural supplements to treat weak erection have viagra sans prescription recently being recognized as one of the best herbal solutions for leucorrhoea and abnormal vaginal discharge. generic viagra in usa This will sent to you via shipping across the world. Growth was over 7% for the second year running, thanks largely to another surge in China (which has accounted for 72% of the world’s patent-filing growth between 2009 and 2011; America contributed 16%). Almost 1m patents were granted in 2011; Japan approved the most. But America has the most patents in force: more than 2.1m, out of an estimated 7.9m worldwide.

Source: The Economist

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