New rules for food labeling are already in force in Brazil

New rules for food labeling are already in force in Brazil

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Objective is to stimulate the reformulation and development of industrialized products more suited from the nutritional point of view.

Do you know what a light food is? And that what means a product “rich in”? And with “high content of”? Help consumers understand these and other claims as well as to assist in the most appropriate consumption to the nutritional needs is the goal of Resolution – RDC 54/2012 of The Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) . Since January 1, 2014, the labels of all food produced in Brazil must be appropriate to the resolution, which changes the way the use of terms such as “light”, “low”, “rich”, “source”, “does not contain”, among others.

Foods that bring in the labeling the claim “light”, for example, should be reduced in some nutrient. That is, the term can only be used if the product presents nutritional reduction in comparation with the conventional version.

The Resolution also establishes criteria for the use of claims: “source” and “high protein content”, which received the requirement of additional proof of minimum quality criteria. “This determination aims to protect the consumer from information and misleading practices”, says the manager of Special Products of The Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), Antonia Aquino.

The regulation also created eight new nutrition claims. For this were developed criteria for foods free of Trans fats, rich in omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9, in addition to the “no added salt”.

According to Antonia, these claims were established in order to stimulate the reformulation and development of more appropriate industrialized products from the nutritional point of view.

The Resolution also requires the use of explanations and warnings related to the use of a nutritional claim in a visible and legible manner on the packages, with the same typeface of nutrition claim. They must have contrasting color with the background and, at least, half the size of nutrition claim.

Also, according to the manager, the new regulation has adapted the Brazilian rules to the Mercosur´s rules. “The measure incorporates to the national legislation the standard of Supplement Nutritional Information agreed within the Mercosur, which should facilitate the circulation of food among the countries members of the bloc,” she reveals.

Check out the whole DRC published by ANVISA and access the Questions and Answers About Nutritional Supplement (INC).

Source: The Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa)