New Catalog presents investment opportunities in Brazil

New Catalog presents investment opportunities in Brazil

investOrganized by the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MRE), by the Industry, Foreign Trade and Services Ministry (MDIC) and by the Brazilian Agency for Export and Investment Promotion (Apex-Brazil), the fifth edition of Investment Opportunities Catalog in Brazil presents systematized information, of high level on projects with opportunities for foreign and domestic investors.

The current version of the guide features 149 state and federal level projects, totaling more than $ 47 billion, in sectors such as power generation and transmission, roads, railways, ports and airports, telecommunications, urban mobility, construction, tourism among others.

For the executive secretary of the Industry, Trade and Services Ministry (MDIC), Fernando Furlan, the initiative supports the resumption of economic growth cycle. “Brazil wants to show that is so competitive in sports as in business. The Olympic Games are a great opportunity to show to the world the investment opportunities in the country, “he said during the launch of the catalog.

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The Opportunities Catalog will be distributed in the Brazilian embassies abroad and can be accessed in this link.

(SC&I Management, with information of Apex-Brazil and MDIC)

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