Manager of Tecpar´s Innovation Agency was elected as Technical Director of the FORTEC (2014-2015)

Manager of Tecpar´s Innovation Agency was elected as Technical Director of the FORTEC (2014-2015)

logo_fortecStarted on Sunday 18th, the 8th Annual Meeting of the National Forum for Managers of Innovation and Technology Transfer (Fortec). The meeting, which runs until Wednesday, 21 in São Paulo City , is an opportunity for discussion on organized management of scientific and technological knowledge that science can be converted into results that meet the demands of society .

Among the highlights of the program are representatives of the University of Texas (USA) , the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) , the Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises (Sebrae) , the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP) and several Brazilian universities . The manager of the Tecpar´s Innovation Agency, Dr. Marcus Julius Zanon, was elected as Technical Director of Fortec for the period of 2014 to 2015. Currently 221 ICT (Brazilian Scientific and Technological Institutions) throughout Brazil are affiliated to the Fortec.

The National Forum for Managers of Innovation and Technology Transfer – FORTEC , created on May 1 , 2006 – A Civil Association of Private Law , is an organization representing the makers in universities and research institutes and management innovation institutions and individuals , the management of innovation policies and related to intellectual property and technology transfer , including, in this concept, the NITs (Technological Innovation Nucleus), TTOs, agencies, offices and similar activities

In accordance with its Statute and aiming fulfill its goals, the objectives of FORTEC are:

  • Disseminate the culture of innovation, intellectual property and technology transfer;
  • Enhance and disseminate the role of universities and research institutions in cooperation activities with the public and private sectors;
  • Assist in the creation and institutionalization of Instances Managing Innovation ( IGI ) ;
  • Encourage professional development of those working in the IGI ;
  • Establish , promote and disseminate best practices in the IGI ;
  • IGI support in its efforts by the government and other civil society organizations;
  • Map and publicize the activities and indicators of IGI ;
  • Support events of interest to its members;
  • Promote linkages and exchanges between its members;
  • Promote cooperation with institutions in the country and abroad;
  • Contribute to propose public policies related to technological innovation

From the point of view of its organizational structure, FORTEC consists of a National Coordination of Regional Coordination and Thematic Committees.

Executive Board

Diretoria Executiva
Cristina Quintella (UFBA) President
Shirley Virgínia Coutinho (PUC-Rio) Vice-President
Gesil Sampaio Amarante Segundo (UESC) Technical Director
Marcus Julius Zanon (TECPAR) Technical Director
Maria das Graças Ferraz Bezerra (MPEG) Technical Director
Audit committee
Maria do Carmo Oliveira Ribeiro (SENAI-BA & EMBRAPI) Counselor
Paulo Anselmo Ziani Suarez (UNB) Counselor
Silvia Beatriz Uchoa (UFAL) Counselor
Northern Region Coordination
Gelso Pedrosi Filho (UFRR) Regional coordinator
Jamil Salim Neto (UNIFAP) Regional Vice-coordinator
Maria do Perpétuo Socorro Lima Verde Coelho (UFAM) substitute
Northeast Region Coordination
Paula Lenz (UECE) Regional coordinator
Maria Rita Santos (UFPI) Regional Vice-coordinator
Simone Silva dos Santos Lopes (UEPB) substitute
Midwest Region Coordination
Neila Farias Lopes (UCB) Regional coordinator
Juliana Luiza Moreira Del Fiaco (UniEVANGELICA) Regional Vice-coordinator
Southeast Region Coordination
Ana Lúcia Vitale Torkomian (UFSCar) Regional coordinator
Ricardo Silva Pereira (UFRJ) Regional Vice-coordinator
Christiane Alves Calheiros Sakamoto (IFTM) substitute
Southern Region Coordination
Rozangela Curi Pedrosa (UFSC) Regional coordinator
Raquel Mauler (UFRGS) Regional Vice-coordinator
Paulo Rogério Pinto Rodrigues (Unicentro) substitute

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