INPI Joined the Global PPH Program on July 6

INPI Joined the Global PPH Program on July 6


In a significant move aimed at optimizing patent processes and enhancing Brazil’s integration into the Global Intellectual Property System, INPI joined the Global Patent Prosecution Highway (Global PPH or GPPH) program on July 6. This program is managed by the Japan Patent Office (JPO).

What is the GPPH?

The GPPH is a multilateral cooperation initiative involving 27 intellectual property offices. It aims to accelerate patent application processing through the sharing of examination results from any participating office that indicates the presence of patentable subject matter. This includes results obtained under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).

Current Status and Future Impact

Currently, INPI has bilateral Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) agreements with 23 national or regional partner offices. By joining the GPPH, the number of partner offices will increase to 35, significantly enhancing the efficiency and reach of patent processing for Brazilian applicants.

Continuing Regulations

The current PPH rules, established by INPI/PR Ordinance No. 78/2022, will remain valid until a new Ordinance is published. Examination results from new partner offices can only be utilized after this publication. INPI is currently regulating the matter and will provide further information shortly.

Strategic Alignment

This integration into the GPPH is part of the 2023-2025 Action Plan of the National Intellectual Property Strategy (ENPI), aligning with Brazil’s broader goals of enhancing its global IP presence and efficiency.


  • Industrial and Intellectual Property


  • patents
  • PPH

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