INPI and Anvisa define criteria for prior consent procedure related to patent aplications of pharmaceutical products and processes

INPI and Anvisa define criteria for prior consent procedure related to patent aplications of pharmaceutical products and processes

The Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) agreed about the procedures that will be adopted by the institutions for the analysis of patent applications related to pharmaceutical products and processes.

The proposal, which defines the allocation of each entity, was approved on Tuesday (14/3) by the Anvisa Board of Directors and will be made official through an interinstitutional order to be signed in the next few days.

– The agreement with Anvisa will allow the full resumption of pharmaceutical patent examinations. The INPI will continue to accept the relevant technical contribution of the Agency as a subsidy to the patent examination – says the INPI president, Luiz Otávio Pimentel.

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When Anvisa concludes for non-consent, the request will be forwarded to INPI, which will publish the result of the analysis of the Agency and the final  archiving of the request. An Interinstitucional Articulation Group will also be set up, with the participation of representatives of INPI and Anvisa, with the purpose of promoting the exchange of technical information and the harmonization of understandings about the processes.


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