Google launches new version of patent search system

Google launches new version of patent search system

Google launches new version of patent search systemGoogle has introduced a new version of its patent search function that allows users to search for non-patent prior art.

The company has trained a machine to classify everything found in Google Scholar, a database of literature.

Allen Lo, deputy general counsel for patents at Google, announced the changes in a blog post published yesterday, July 16.

Lo said: “The ability to search for the most relevant references—the best prior art—is more important today than ever. Patent filings have steadily increased with 600,000 applications filed and 300,000 patents issued in 2014 alone.

“At the same time, litigation rates are continuing their dramatic climb, with patent trolls bringing the majority of cases, hitting companies of every size in industries from high-tech to main street,” he added.

Google has amended the interface of the search system to provide just one facility for all patent-related searches. Also, Lo said, Google Translate will help users search for patents not written in English.

“We hope this tool will make patent examination more efficient and help stop bad patents from issuing, which would be good for innovation and benefit the public,” Lo said.

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Google; patents; prior art; Google Scholar; Allen Lo

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