Electronic trademark applications reach 99% of all applications made on BPTO

Electronic trademark applications reach 99% of all applications made on BPTO


The success of the E-Trademark system launched in 2006, reached the total of E-trademarks applications to 99% in April 2015. With the strengthening of e-Trademark, the result is the gain in convenience for the user and processing  agility for the BPTO – Brazilian Trademark and Patent Office, as well as cost reduction.

In April, the BPTO received 12,789 trademark applications, and 12,667 made using the E-Trademark and only 122 applications made on paper, e.g. electronic applications accounted for 99.05% of the total this month. The results for the first quarter of 2015 indicate 48,275 trademark applications, being 98.78% by e-Trademark.
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