Clinical trials authorized by the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) can be consulted

Clinical trials authorized by the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) can be consulted

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clinicalANVISA provides access to consultation of Clinical Trials that have been authorized by the Agency since 2009, with the aim of providing greater transparency and provide more information to the population. This search allowts that interested people know if studies for a particular type of disease are authorized in Brazil.
Other available information are the places where searches are performed and the doctors responsible for their conduct. Also, you can check if the number of Special Communication (EC) – a document authorizing the conduct of clinical research in the country – informed to a research participant is actually valid.

To search the data about the clinical trials access the site:\Datavisa\Consulta_Comunicados\Consulta_CE_Autorizados.asp

Source: Anvisa


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