Brazil’s Legal Framework for Startups comes into effect and creates a positive environment for innovative entrepreneurship

Brazil’s Legal Framework for Startups comes into effect and creates a positive environment for innovative entrepreneurship

On September 1, 2021, Complementary Law No. 182, published on June 2, 2021, enters into force, establishing the Legal Framework for Startups which, among other attributions:

  • recognizes innovative entrepreneurship as a vector of economic, social, and environmental development;
  • encourages the creation of legally safer environments;
  • grants greater contractual freedom and favors investments;
  • modernizes the Brazilian business environment in light of emerging business models; and
  • incentivizes the hiring of startups by the government that offer innovative solutions to public problems, taking advantage of potential economic opportunities.

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Under the new law, which came into force, companies and cooperative societies active in innovation applied to products, services or business models and that have had gross revenue of up to R$16 million in the previous year.

Among the Law’s novelties is the creation of an experimental regulatory environment (regulatory sandbox), a differentiated regime to allow companies to launch products with less bureaucracy. Regulatory agencies, such as Anvisa or Anatel, may temporarily suspend for startups certain standards required of companies operating in the sector.

The functioning of the sandbox must establish the criteria for the selection or qualification of the company, the duration and scope of the suspension of the incidence of the norms and the norms properly covered.

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