Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) regulates new kind of trademark: Position Marks.

Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) regulates new kind of trademark: Position Marks.

This Tuesday, September 21, 2021, the BPTO published in the Gazette 2646 a new ordinance that regulates position trademarks in Brazil. A position mark is one of so-called “non-traditional marks”, a mark consisting of the specific way in which it is placed or affixed to the product. Position marks are very often used to have protection in the fashion sector, for example to have protection: – For elements of decorations of shoes:  Position mark

Art. 1 The distinctive set capable of identifying products or services and distinguish them from identical, similar or related services, provided that:
I – is formed by the application of a signal in a singular and specific position of a given support; and
II – the application of the signal in said support position can be dissociated from technical or functional effect.
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According to the new resolution, aside from filing new applications for position marks, applicants will be allowed to modify existing pending trademark applications that can be considered position marks. This resolution will come into force on October 1st, 2021.

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