Brazil Seeks Input on Requirements for Cosmetics, Cleaning Products, Food Contaminants

Brazil Seeks Input on Requirements for Cosmetics, Cleaning Products, Food Contaminants

Brazil’s National Sanitary Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) is proposing to amend the current requirements for personal hygiene and cosmetic products, cleaning products and contaminants in food, as detailed below.

Personal Hygiene and Cosmetic Products. Interested parties may submit input by 2 March on a proposed update to the MERCOSUR labelling requirements for personal hygiene, cosmetic and perfume products, which were originally issued more than ten years ago. Revisions would be made to the current standards in an effort to enhance the safety and facilitate the international trade of subject merchandise.

Cleaning Products. Interested parties may submit input by 20 April on a proposed update to the technical requirements for registration as well as the classification of cleaning products. Cleaning products are substances or preparations for application on inanimate surfaces, textiles, objects and places, for cleaning and the like, with anti-microbial action and for disinfestation, for household or public use.

[huge_it_slider id=”15″]Contaminants in Food. Interested parties may submit input by 3 April on separate proposals regarding contaminants in food. The first proposal would adopt general principles for establishing maximum contaminant limits in food products as well as test methods for conformity assessment purposes, while the second proposal would set the actual limits, including limits for metals, mycotoxins, and other contaminants such as polychlorinated dibenzo-to-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans and polychlorinated biphenyls.

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Content provided by Picture: HKTDC Research

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