BPTO grants first denomination of origin to indigenous people

BPTO grants first denomination of origin to indigenous people

Published on 20/10/2020

The BPTO recognized the Andirá-Marau Indigenous Land as a geographical indication (GI) for warana (native guarana) and warana bread (guarana stick). It is the first GI of the species denomination of origin (DO) in Brazil to be used by an indigenous people. The concession was published in RPI 2598, of October 20, 2020.

Located on the boundaries of the states of Amazonas and Pará, this geographical indication comprises the demarcation of the Andirá-Marau Indigenous Land, plus the adjacent area Vintequilos. In the delimited region, it was proven that the local biome and the know-how of the Sateré-Mawé indigenous people act in a predominant way in obtaining a differentiated product. Warana, as it is called by the Sateré-Mawé, can be translated as native guarana (wará is knowledge, whereas -na means principle; therefore, it is the principle of all knowledge of the Sateré-Mawé ethnic group).

According to information contained in the process filed by the Sateré-Mawé Producers Consortium, the protection of the environment is fundamental to guarantee the symbiosis between the individual Sateré-Mawé and the domesticated plant species in the geographical indication area. This is because the practices of the Sateré-Mawé guarantee the conservation and genetic adaptation of guaraná in its natural environment, with the Andirá-Marau Indigenous Land constituting the only existing in situ genetic bank of guaraná in the world.

In order to maintain this condition, no form of reproduction of guaranazais is permitted through cloning in the defined region. As natural factors present in this appellation of origin, anthropic soils (modified by man), high environmental humidity and straw bees as pollinating agents stand out. Human factors include the fully artisanal cultivation of native guarana by the Sateré-Mawé producers, who still dehydrate and smoke the guarana grains to obtain the guarana stick with a very characteristic color, aroma, flavor and consistency. The representation of the geographical indication has the figure of the bat, which corresponds to the River Andirá, and the figure of the frog, which represents the River Marau.

What is the geographical indication?

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The GI is a sign consisting of a geographical name (or its name) that indicates the geographical origin of a product or service. Only producers and service providers established in their territory (usually organized in representative entities) can use the GI.

The kind of IG called “indication of origin” refers to the name of a country, city or region known as the center for the extraction, production or manufacture of a certain product or the provision of a certain service.

The “denomination of origin” species recognizes the name of a country, city or region whose product or service has certain specific characteristics thanks to its geographical environment, including natural and human factors.

Source: INPI

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