Bill Clinton says optimistic about Brazil’s economy

Bill Clinton says optimistic about Brazil’s economy

Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-11-13 9:36:42

FOTO2-380316-2015-11-12-15 05The world needs a successful Brazil and the United States “desperately needs” its main trading partner in the southern hemisphere to fare well, former US President Bill Clinton said on Thursday.

Taking a tone different from the pessimistic views held many Brazilian entrepreneurs, Clinton said: “I am optimistic about Brazil. It is going through a difficult time, but this country’s capacity to overcome obstacles is incredible.”

“I will never forget the gifts given by God to this country. It is natural that bad news dominates the headlines, but the future is created by long-term perspectives,” he said at the National Industrial Summit held in Brasilia.

Clinton also praised Brazil for the important role that it has played in teaching the world how to preserve natural resources.
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However, he called on Brazil to move away from its dependence on raw material exports, which he said had created distortions in the country’s economy.

With many businessmen in the audience, Clinton called upon them to recall the important progress made by Brazil in the past 25 years, including in the fight against HIV/AIDS, the reduction of greenhouse gases and the increase of clean energy sources.

“In five years, there is a strong chance that Brazilians will look back and wonder what they were worried about. The Brazilian ship is not sinking,” he added.

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