Anti-corruption Law takes effect in Brazil in January, 2014

Anti-corruption Law takes effect in Brazil in January, 2014

The anti-corruption law (effective January 28, 2014), called the “Clean Company Act” (CCA), which specifically prohibits bribery of foreign government officials and prohibits fraud, manipulation and bribery in connection with public tenders.

The act applies to corporate entities that operate in Brazil, including an entity’s directors, officers, employees and agents. If an entity is determined to Additional side effects include: headache, pounding heartbeat, nausea, weakness, and weight buy super viagra gain. 3) Angiotensin II receptor blockers -These drugs block the action (but not the production) of Angiotensin II – Side effects (fairly rare) include: Diarrhea, dizziness, headache, lightheadedness, back and leg pain, sinus congestion, kidney failure, liver failure, allergic reaction, lowered white blood cells, and swelling. A good sex enhancing product that can replicate the natural erection is still the cheapest viagra pills best solution. There are chemists that sell canada generic viagra counterfeit medicines and you need to beware from such pharmacies. These can be sites that are known viagra the pill to friends and family and help you love yourself. be a Brazilian company, the CCA applies to that entity’s business operations around the world.

Before this Law only individuals could be punished for bribery and corruption. Liability extends to a company’s directors, officers and employees involved in unlawful acts, whether in Brazil or abroad.

Companies that resort to bribes face fines of up to 20% of their Gross Annual Revenue or a maximum of 60 million reals (USD 25,000).

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