After Anvisa’s release, testing of the new coronavirus vaccine will begin in 14 days

After Anvisa’s release, testing of the new coronavirus vaccine will begin in 14 days

Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency) authorized the Butantan Institute to start testing the coronavirus vaccine. As a result, testing with 9,000 people in six Brazilian states begins on July 20, according to Governor João Doria (PSDB). Unicamp will be one of the test centers.

Registration for testing starts on July 13. Only employees working in health will be selected. Among the requirements are being over 18, not having covid-19, not having other comorbidities and not being pregnant.

CoronaVac will be produced in partnership with a Chinese laboratory.

  1. [huge_it_slider id=”15″]This is the third phase of testing. Phases 1 and 2 were carried out with 1,000 volunteers in China. “90% of patients demonstrated immunity after the vaccine,” said the president of the Butantan Institute, Dimas Covas.

If the vaccine is effective, Covas said the state will have access to 60 million doses by the end of the year.

In addition to CoronaVac, Anvisa has already authorized testing in phase 3 of the vaccine produced by the University of Oxford in partnership with Unifesp (Federal University of São Paulo) and the D’Or network. According to the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), which also closed an agreement with Oxford, the vaccine may be distributed in December.

Cases in Brazil today:

Coronavirus Cases: 1,727,279

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Deaths: 68,355

Recovered: 1,152,467

Today, São Paulo has 16,134 deaths and 323,070 confirmed cases of the disease.

Author: Rose Guglielminetti

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