ABPI is a signatory of an open letter contrary to Compulsory License of patents related to the COVID-19 pandemic

ABPI is a signatory of an open letter contrary to Compulsory License of patents related to the COVID-19 pandemic

In an open letter released on August 25th, the ABPI, along with other entities,  took a stand against the presidential sanction of PL 12/2021, in the form of the substitute text approved by the Federal Senate on 11/08/2021. PL 12 amends the current legislation on patents (Law 9,279/96) and modifies the provisions related to the possibility of granting a compulsory license of office in cases of national or international emergency, or in cases of public interest, declared in an act of the Power Federal Executive.

“The granting of compulsory licenses in exceptional situations”, says the document, “is already permitted by current legislation and finds, in the form adopted by the country, constitutional support and international treaties to which Brazil is a signatory. It is not necessary to change the law for patents to be broken”.

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