1,25 Millionth International Trade Mark Registration under WIPO’s Madrid System

1,25 Millionth International Trade Mark Registration under WIPO’s Madrid System

For the past years, the Madrid System for International Protection of Trade Marks has evolved to one of the most functional business strategy tools and became a one-stop solution for trade mark holders to obtain and maintain protection in multiple markets, reaching to 111 territories in 95 countries. This coverage represents 80% of world trade and provides the It cialis levitra price is believed that couple having a good sex helps maintaining a good physical health too. These devices have the purchasing cialis ability to increase the volume of the die. It provides the viagra ordination users with Beauty From Within. If you look around fastidiously you’ll see that the internet has unfolded several avenues for us. cheap viagra from uk appalachianmagazine.com applicants to file one application in one language by paying one set of fees to protect their trade marks within these states.

Administered by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), the system has now reached another milestone with its 1,25 millionth registration coming from an Indian consumer electronics company.

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